Water Career Videos
MWD Engineering Recruitment
The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California talks about career pathways within their engineering division.
Episode 6: Water Jobs & Certs
With Garry Parker, San Bernardino Valley College; Shawn Spromberg, Cucamonga Valley Water District; and Romell Eutsey, City of Pomona.
Episode 5: SoCal Women in Water
With special guest host Shannon Simmers, Past Chair of the P3S Committee, City of Riverside. Panel includes Tonya Waters from Jurupa Community Services District, and Haley Garland and Lenai Hunter from Elsinore Valley MWD.
Episode 4: Water Jobs & Certs
Featuring water professionals from Heal the Bay, LA Trade Tech, and CWEA, with guest host Charming Evelyn from Sierra Club California.
Episode 3: Water Jobs & Certs
This episode is sponsored by and features team members from the City of Riverside. Thank you to Ivan, Kylie, Nicole, and George for participating in the panel discussion, as well as to our special guest Melita from Valley College.
Episode 2: Water Jobs & Certs
Panelists: Helen Hu, Control and Electrical Systems & Business Efficiencies Manager, Regional San Dr. Ramzi Mahmood, Director Office of Water Programs, Sacramento State Melissa Nichols, Wastewater Operator, Regional San
Path to Power: Women in Water Panel 2023
A remarkable panel of women in the water industry sharing their ideas and career suggestions.
Equipment Operator Career Spotlight
Brandon Floyd is an equipment operator and coordinator for Padre Dam MWD.
Lab Analyst Career Spotlight
Jessica Zamora Bertasso, a lab analyst with Padre Dam MWD, talks about the laboratory career path.
Engineers Career Path Spotlight
Engineers with the Sanitation Districts explain various career pathways, including wastewater, water reuse, collection systems, solid waste, construction management, and more.
Episode 1: Water Jobs & Certs
Our inaugural episode focuses on answering your water career questions. Guests: Janel Ancayan, West Basin MWD; John Kallo, LA Trade Tech; and Michael Robinson, Veolia.
Machinist Career Spotlight
With the help of JVS, Diego went from intern to full-time Machinist with EBMUD.
Inland Empire Utilites Team Profiles
Meet the outstanding team from IEUA in Chino and learn why they love to work for water.
Collection Systems Career Spotlight
CWEA member Alex Arguelles, Collection Systems lead for IEUA talks about his team.
Ron McCormack, Regional San
CWEA member Ron McCormack from Regional San in Sacramento explains what makes him proud about his job.
Wastewater Careers Spotlight
Nik is a Utility Maintenance Worker II and holds a Grade 1 Collection Systems Maintenance certification.
Executive Leaders Career Spotlight
New #cawater promo videos from ACWA, CASA and CWEA. People love to #workforwater
What We Love About Our Jobs: Engineering & Operations
New #cawater promo videos from ACWA, CASA and CWEA. People love to #workforwater
Lab Analyst Career Spotlight
New #cawater promo videos from ACWA, CASA and CWEA. People love to #workforwater
Career Fair: State & Federal Agencies
The Department of Water Resources (DWR) and the EPA Pacific Southwest (Region 9) discuss their career opportunities.
Career Fair: OC San and City of Riverside
The City of Riverside Public Utilities Department and the Orange County Sanitation District (OC San) share career opportunities.
Career Fair: San Diego Region
The City of San Diego and San Diego Water Works presented their career opportunities.
Path to Power: Women in Water Panel 2022
We are pleased to welcome these impressive women in water for insightful conversations.
Water Industry Careers Virtual Panel
On April 29, 2022 West Basin Municipal Water District and the Water Replenishment District hosted the second Water Industry Careers Guest Panel.
Women in the Trades 2021: Championing Women’s Engagement in Water
Join our panel of dynamic women as they share their experiences with advocacy and mentorship, and the benefits that women bring to our industry.
Diversity in CA Water: 2021 Panel Discussion
How do we reflect California’s diversity at all levels of our workforce and foster a more inclusive environment? Our panel of water leaders discuss new recruitment initatives.
Women in Water & Power 2020: Working on the Frontlines
Calling all women (and their supporters) who want to feel empowered in the water, wastewater and power industries! Join us if you are interested in pursuing these amazing careers.
Veterans in Water 2020: Continue Serving Your Community
Your skills as a veteran could be exactly what water utilities are looking for. Dive into the California water profession, we’ll show you how.