Certifying organizations: California-Nevada American Water Works Association (CA-NV AWWA) |
California Water Environment Association (CWEA) | State Water Board
CA-NV AWWA Certification Program
In response to waterborne diseases spreading prevalent at the time, the American Water Works Association was founded in 1881 to ensure safe and clean drinking water for everyone. Now over 130 years later it has grown into the largest nonprofit education and science centered association dedicated to WATER, our most important resource in the world. AWWA has roughly 50,000 members worldwide. AWWA & The California – Nevada Section of AWWA are two associations linked together by a common belief and a common passion – Safe and Reliable Drinking Water. Our passion is to support the drinking water professionals that provide water to millions of people throughout California and Nevada.

CWEA Technical Certification Program
CWEA’s Technical Certification Program (TCP), develops and administers competency tests for wastewater personnel in a number of wastewater professions other than plant operations.
The tests are being constantly developed and revised by CWEA member subject matter experts. Tests are given throughout the year in the six specialties, with up to four grade levels per specialty.
CWEA currently certifies over 6,000 people. The program was started in 1937 and originally managed certification for wastewater treatment plant operators before the State took on responsibility for the program.

Certification Programs
Training Calendar
SWRCB Office of Operator Certification
To work on a drinking water treatment system, distribution system or in a wastewater treatment plant you must have a valid operator certificate or an operator-in-training certificate from the State Water Board.
The mission of the State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board) is to preserve, enhance, and restore the quality of California’s Water resources and drinking water for the protection of the environment, public health, and all beneficial uses, and to ensure proper water resource allocation and efficient use, for the benefit of present and future generations.